Prior to ELIS product line development, leak detection technologies relied almost exclusively on manual and labour intensive measurements performed by human technicians. Elimination of human factor enabled ELIS to offer faster, more reliable and cheaper solutions for our customers.
Most competitor leak detection systems still rely heavily on human technicians, which reduces the efficiency and precision of the survey performed. By introducing 3D GPS eMapping, coupled with AI (artificial intelligence), ELIS revolutionizes the data quality and improves the survey speed and accuracy.
ELIS also reduces the environmental risk exposure of customers. The shorter the time necessary for finding the leak, the lesser the damage to the environment, company and ultimately shareholders. ELIS also reduces the risk of injury for personnel. Thanks to automation, technicians are no longer required to spend hours in toxic environment.
ELIS reduces regulatory risks. ELIS can provide customers with a certificate for each survey performed, thus enabling customers to provide proof of best practices to any relevant authorities and/or environmental groups. On the top of that, traditionally unverifiable paper certificate with a stamp can now be recorded onto ELIS immutable Blockchain.
Sites once seen as challenging to monitor, can now be surveyed easily, regardless of the toxicity of the environment. Surveying procedure which could only be carried out when a technician was physically available on site, can now be almost fully automated.