ELIS Token ($XLS) Now LIVE on IDEX Decentralised Exchange
We are proud to announce that ELIS Token ($XLS) has now launched on the popular IDEX decentralised exchange.
This means that as of today, $XLS trading is LIVE.
You can find the trading pair here:
What is XLS?
The ELIS Token ($XLS) serves as the fuel for the entire ELIS Hardware-as-a-Service ecosystem, and is redeemable for all services offered by Elis Technologies.
XLS leverages blockchain technology to enforce cryptographically verifiable compliance of standards for all 3D eMapping AI, robots, drones and more.
By issuing and monitoring survey certificates that are openly verifiable through Ethereum, XLS is therefore able to provide an unprecedented level of data accuracy and retention.
With the long-awaited launch of our token, we have created an objective proof of measurement and hope to set a new standard for the leak detection industry across the board.
Official IDEX Blog Update: